The Change the World Needs Most? You.

We used to chisel heroes out of marble and put them on a pedestal. They were untouchable.

Today, we can all be heroes.

You don’t need a sword to slay dragons or a cape to save a child. You’ve got everything you need in your hand: your phone.

We are living through a revolutionary moment in the history of human liberty. A rapid global spread of digital and social media allows individuals all over the world to fight for basic human rights. Today’s heroes are using technology to:

  • Expose the lies of tyrants.
  • Break dictatorial information monopolies.
  • Draw attention to the evils of their oppressors.
  • Defend the dignity of all people.

Heroes Among Us.

Human Liberty 2.0 showcases true stories of ordinary people using digital media to advance universal rights around the world. For example…

charity: water brings clean drinking water to people in developing countries while providing photo and GPS proof of every project for maximum transparency.

TraffickCam allows anyone with a smartphone to fight sex trafficking while traveling by uploading photos of hotel rooms to a law enforcement database.

Socialblood is a simple and powerful tool to connect Facebook users with blood donors in their communities.

Humans of New York uses the power of story and social media to connect people throughout the world, sparking empathy and compassion for others.

Join the Movement

Human Liberty 2.0 is more than a book. It’s a movement. And you can be a part of it.

You can reach across boundaries of race, religion, and geography to help someone in desperate need. You can use your own unique talents abilities to advance human liberties in our world. If you’re here, it’s because you care about the fundamental rights of others. So, are you ready to get started?

Show your support by voting for one of these organizations in the 2019 Human Liberties 2.0 Awards. Or, start volunteering with one of these organizations today.